xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Monique: What Makes a Beauty Brand Natural?

Sunday 12 February 2012

What Makes a Beauty Brand Natural?

A recent study conducted by eco-industry research company Organic Monitor suggests that some beauty brands claiming to be natural and organic aren't living up their marketing claims. By examining product formulations, use of synthetic ingredients, and marketing labels, the company ranked more than 50 international natural beauty brands on how trustworthy their natural labels are. While some niche eco-brands such as Intelligent Nutrients rose to the top (achieving a 9 out of a possible 10 score), big names such as L'Oréal's Garnier Bio Active and Johnson's Natural lines scored high for their use of organic ingredients. Companies that scored poorly did so because of false advertising claims and chemically unclean formulations.

So what really contributed to the high scores in this study? Organic ingredients, any organic or eco certifications, and the use of fair-trade products were favorable. Location also played an important role. European brands scored highest on average (because of their already high eco standards), with American brands following them. Asian and Latin American brands are slower to get on the naturals bandwagon—their formulations are reportedly higher in synthetic preservatives and emulsifiers.

With such costly ingredients and certifications, it seems that running a natural beauty brand is a more expensive endeavor than most people would imagine. Pure formulations and specialized packaging add cost at the counter, but is it worth it for you?

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